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Follow along with my wine, beer, and travel adventures.

You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here 2020 Edition

You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here 2020 Edition


During a virtual Field Trip put on by Creative Mornings in December, I attended a session on journaling led by Sonya Matejko. She is currently sharing journal prompts over the last few days to help people close out 2020 and welcome 2021. One of the prompts I personally found useful was a packing list. I thought might be fun to turn it towards what I write about here: travel, spirits, beer, and wine. What should stay in 2020 and what should come into 2021 as it relates to travel, spirits, beer, and wine?


  • Get rid of - Disruptive tourism—negatively affecting the community or region you are visiting by engaging in bad practices. It can take many forms, such as using geotagging of remote locations, disrupting people’s lives, photographing without permission, trashing natural treasures, and more.

  • Bring with us - A renewed sense of wanderlust and love for travel. As vaccines roll out and we hopefully are able to safely travel again, let’s embrace a new form of gratitude and hope. If you are able to and want to travel, it’s an amazing thing that is so often taken for granted. Let’s keep ourselves open to the rush that this is not a given and we are lucky to be able to do this.


  • Get rid of - Clean wine or beliefs that certain wines are healthy and some aren’t. Wine is beautiful and enjoyable, but it’s still a substance. If you choose and can imbibe, then enjoy! But you won’t find a wine that is healthier or better for you or any of the absurd marketing that’s been pushed through the years.

  • Bring with us - Wine tourism. Let’s keep connected be it virtually or when we can hopefully visit again soon. There’s been so many amazing tastings, classes, events that have allowed winemakers the opportunity to speak directly to so many wine lovers from the comfort of their home.


  • Get rid of - hoarding and the insane reselling at an immense profit. This has been taking place for years now, but the continued purchase of large quantities to resell rare beers is not of benefit to the community or the breweries. Beer should be enjoyed and shared.

  • Bring with us - The actual work of inclusivity. Beer is not the only industry to have this problem, but it can do real work. It’s more than brewing a special beer. In 2021, breweries around the country can show how they are making their spaces inclusive for employees and guests.


  • Get rid of - Lack of creativity. It’s been a rough year. If you do enjoy spirits and cocktails at home, you may have stuck to one spirit or one variation of a cocktail. Why not branch out more? Try a variation on that high ball or negroni. Perhaps find a gin new to you. Don’t necessarily continue to buy for quantity sake, but quality.

  • Bring with us - the continuing trend of zero proof and non-alcoholic cocktails and sprits. They offer a range of people a really tasty experience with no alcohol. They can be a great way to pace yourself or give yourself a treat when you are taking off from consuming alcohol.

What would you like to leave in 2020 and bring with you to 2021?

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